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Exchange Programs

If you are interested in attending Terra Dotta University for a semester or academic year as an exchange student, you must first check with the exchange coordinator at your home institution to see if you are eligible to participate in the exchange program.

To apply for an incoming program, you must first search through our listings to find an incoming program that has your current institution listed as a 'Partner Institution'. You will do this by clicking on the 'Programs' link above and selecting the 'Incoming Programs' button for the 'show' option.Global Exchange

Then, you can select any other criteria for the program you are looking for with the list-boxes below. When your search is ready, click on the 'Search' button, and you will be given a list of incoming programs that fit your search. You can look through the list to find any programs that have your institution listed in the first column under 'Partner Institution'.

When you have found a program in which you are interested, click on the program's name in the listing. You will be shown the brochure for that program. Check it to make sure you qualify for the incoming program and are satisfied with the program's details. You can apply to the program by clicking on the 'Apply Now' button.

If you have not used our web site before, you will not have a valid Username or Password. There will be a link for students from your institution underneath the username and password field. Click on it, and you will be taken to a form that allows you to request login credentials.

When you have filled out the form, click on 'Create New'. You will get an alert box letting you know that our web site has emailed your username and password.

You can use the credentials in this email for logging in and officially applying for the incoming program.

Note: If you requested a username and password, the program you clicked 'Apply Now' for does not have an application started for you yet. You will need to login and click on 'Apply Now' button again for that program to create your application and start the application process.