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Programs : Budget Sheet

The following listing represents the Fall Budget Sheet for AustraLearn and Southern Cross University.

Fall Budget Sheet for AustraLearn and Southern Cross University
Fall Budget Sheet for AustraLearn and Southern Cross University
Budget Item In-state External
Tuition *      
Insurance *      
Billable subtotal:  $0.00 $0.00
Books & class materials      
Personal expenses   $700.00 $700.00
Non-billable subtotal:  $700.00 $700.00
Total: $700.00 $700.00
Budget for Fall 2007, 12-18 credit hours.

Please note that the above total cost is based primarily in estimates. Cost can fluctuate as a result of changing exchange rates, tuition increases, varying personal expenses, etc.

Student may be eligible for a $5,000 exchange discount.

As a recipient of financial aid from the University of Illinois, I understand it is my responsibility to report to the office of Student Financial Aid all scholarships for study abroad I receive from the University of Illinois and /or any other institution.

Student Signature:
Student Name, Printed, and UIN:

University of Illinois Sponsor: Study Abroad Office, 217-333-6322

Study Abroad Advisor: Ryan Mckean
* Billable item