The European Art Scholarship is not given out every year. It is only given when there is an applicant that has demonstrated the need for foreign study in her/his field along with superior academic performance. The scholarship is a substantial cash allowance to be used for participation in an outgoing program that will focus on the study of the arts in Europe. The student does not need to have already selected the specific program, but it is required that the student has displayed intent and focus towards the goals of her/his participation in said program.
The application process will involve a number of detailed questionnaires and material submissions. There will also be a one-on-one interview process for which all applicants must make themselves available.
The amount of the scholarship will fluctuate between terms and years, and it will also vary depending on the area of intended study by the recipient.
If you are currently involved in the visual and performing arts and are thinking about a semester of study in Europe, consider applying for this scholarship to help offset the costs of the semester so that you are able to get the most out of your time in Europe. We look forward to hearing from you, and wait earnestly to learn more about your plans for the future.